
User Guide

1. Introduction

duke is a task management application for busy people who prefer typing.

2. Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest version of duke.jar (duke-0.2.jar) here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for duke.
  4. Run the file:

    4.1 For Windows: Double click the file and you’re done!

    4.2 For Mac: Open Terminal, cd into home folder of duke. Run java -jar duke-0.2.jar

3. Features

Command format

List of features:

3.1 Listing all tasks: list

Displays all tasks in the task list.

Format: list

3.2 Adding a todo task: todo

Creates a todo task with description and adds it to the task list.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

3.3 Adding a deadline task: deadline

Creates a deadline task with description and time and adds it to the task list.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATETIME

3.4 Adding a event task: event

Creates a event task with description and time and adds it to the task list.


3.5 Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a task at a particular index in the task list.

Format: delete INDEX

3.6 Marking a task as done: done

Set a task at a particular index in the task list as done.

Format: done INDEX

Displays the list where each tasks matches the keywords (case sensitive). It is also possible to search tasks by date and time as long as it matches formatted date time. Note that despite some items may have different numbering from the list provided be list, INDEX for subsequent calls still refers to the numbering provided by list.

Format: search KEYWORDS

3.8 Updating a task:

3.8.1 Updating a Todo task: updatetodo

Updates description of a certain todo task description.

Format: updatetodo INDEX desc/DESCRIPTION

3.8.2 Updating a Deadline task: updatedeadline

Updates description and time of a certain deadline task. Both description and time fields must be present.

Format: updatedeadline INDEX desc/DESCRIPTION time/DATETIME

3.8.3 Updating a Event task: updateevent

Updates description and time of a certain event tas. Both description and time fields must be present.

Format: updateevent INDEX desc/DESCRIPTION time/DATETIME

3.9 Saving the tasks:

Tasks are automatically saved upon actions that affect the task list and tasks.

3.10 Exiting the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

4. Usage

4.1 Adding tasks

Adding tasks by using deadline, event, and todo:

todo eat dinner

    Got it. I've added this task:
    [T][✗] eat dinner
    Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

deadline CS2103 homework /by 2020-03-15 2359

    Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][✗] CS2103 homework (by: 23:59, Mar 15 2020)
    Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

event CS2103 tutorial /at 2020-07-07 1000

    Got it. I've added this task:
    [E][✗] CS2103 tutorial (at: 10:00, Jul 7 2020)
    Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

4.2 Listing tasks

Listing all tasks using list:


   1. [T][✗] eat dinner
   2. [D][✗] CS2103 homework (by: 23:59, Mar 15 2020)
   3. [E][✗] CS2103 tutorial (at: 10:00, Jul 7 2020)

4.3 Setting tasks as done

Listing all tasks using done:

done 1

   Nice! I've marked this task as done:
   [T][✓] eat dinner

4.4 Searching for tasks

Search for task by name using: search

search eat

   Here are the tasks that contains 'eat' in your list:
   1. [T][✓] eat dinner

It is also possible to search task by time using search: search

search 2020

   Here are the tasks that contains '2020' in your list:
   1. [D][✗] CS2103 homework (by: 23:59, Mar 15 2020)
   2. [E][✗] CS2103 tutorial (at: 10:00, Jul 7 2020)


4.5 Updating tasks

Update a task using: updatetodo, updateevent, and updatedeadline

updateevent 3 desc/ CS2103 tutorial time/ 2020-07-07 1300

   Got it. I've changed this task to:
   [E][✗] CS2103 tutorial (at: 13:00, Jul 7 2020)

4.6 Exiting the program:

Exit the program using: bye

The window will automatically close.